Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Be wary of Google Analytics case studies: take two

A warning...

I posted about a little discovery of my own last week: 4 out of the 10 current Google Analytics case studies don't appear to be using it at all (at least, not anymore) and two others can mislead the reader. This prompted me to raise the hand and warn about Google Analytics case studies. I also looked at other players and noticed the market leaders have much better results while the smaller players are often worse (actually, a lot of the client list they show switched to Google Analytics).

...and a good sign

Yesterday, the Google Analytics Blog asked for your success stories. Might be a coincidence, maybe not, but nevertheless a good thing and a message to other solution providers: make sure you have an editorial timeline to review client lists and case studies posted on the web!

A little side note

Google Analytics Blog uses Blogger (I do too). Blogger, like many other blog softwares, as a feature that automatically show backlinks. So in theory, this post should actually become visible there. I wonder what will happen :)