Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Ultimate List of Lists for Digital Analysts

Are you looking for the best tools to watch your competitors? What about a list of call tracking or real time analytics tools? Where should you look for jobs? What about conferences? Who are the industry though leaders? Where can you find good academic resources?

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Monday, June 17, 2013

The Future of Working with Data with Keeping Up with the Quants Author Thomas Davenport

Today, the increasing volume of data and the rate at which it’s captured has transformed many business professionals into de-facto data analysts. Thus, the ability to routinely execute quick, informed and data-based decisions is a top skill in demand in business today.

Author and professor Thomas Davenport’s new book, Keeping Up with the Quants, serves as a “quantitative literacy” guide for managers as they wade through the world of data today and tomorrow. Keeping Up with the Quants, co-authored by Davenport and Jinho Kim, covers the basics of quantitative analytics, the essential habits of effective analysts and insight on how business users and top-ranking quants can best collaborate.

Michael Koploy, Managing Editor at business intelligence software review company Software Advice, recently hosted a Google+ Hangout with Davenport to discuss key takeaways from the book and Davenport’s thoughts on the future of business analytics.

Among other topics, Davenport and Koploy cover:
  • The importance of balancing creativity with a regular, thorough analytical process
  • Why great companies hire great analysts--and why that isn’t likely to change anytime soon
  • Why visualization tools are effective at analyzing “Big Data”
  • How “Ph.Ds with personality” drive analytical innovation in business
  • Why everyone should dabble in coding
A full recording of the Google+ Hangout can be found below:

Software Advice has posted a blog post summarizing the key takeaways from the conversation on its Plotting Success blog, which you can check out here: Hangout with Thomas Davenport: The Future of Working with Data. Be sure to check out Keeping Up with the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding Analytics, on sale now. For further questions, connect with Koploy (@PlottingSuccess) or Davenport (@tdav) on Twitter.