Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Web Analytics implementation Quality Assurance

Here's a couple of references that should help improve the quality of your web analytics implementation:

Which brings me to the next question: what would you like to see in WASP?

If you don't see the poll, please visit my blog or answer directly.
  • More web analytics solutions. The current version of WASP detects 45 of them, the next one already has 50, and there's nearly 200 web analytics solutions on the market, some of them phasing out, new one popping all the time.
  • Site crawl and implementation diagnostic. Missing and duplicate tags, JavaScript errors, duplicate page names, wrong location of code, etc.
  • Market stats about web analytics solutions. Which solutions are leading the pack? Who's using what?
  • Detailed implementation QA for a specific solution, which one? Each web analytics solution has its little tweaks and tricks.
  • Others? What would you like to see?

Please fill-out the poll, send me an email or simply post a comment!