Monday, November 1, 2010

Would you like me on your team?

I've been doing analysis for over 20 years - ok, I'm cheating, I started in computer science deciphering business requirements and turning them into solutions involving databases - and as you can tell from my blog posts/tweets/speeches/gaAddons/etc. I'm just a tad passionate about what I do!

The only regret I have is there is only one of me (my wife would say it's not a bad thing!). I am frequently approached with fascinating consulting/employment opportunities around web analytics, online maturity, dashboard creation, implementation challenges - but I am often forced to miss out on working with great companies because there are only twenty four hours in a day. The challenge I face, similar to many of you, is that too much of my time is spent on tasks that have lower value  – tagging, data exports, creating reports, writing recommendations – leaving less time for critical work in strategic planning and helping to inform the business.

I have previously mentioned my relationship with Napkyn, where I currently sit on the advisory board. In the last several months I have tightened the relationship with Napkyn, referring a few of my contacts into the managed web analyst program. I have seen the following things happen:
  • Faster impact through ongoing analysis and performance dashboarding, both to the analyst and the executive.
  • An organic increase in online analytics maturity. Ongoing analyst support and executive dashboard support allows the entire organization to take next steps around strategy, tools and alignment.
  • I can help more organizations. Having the Napkyn analysts providing day to day web analysis work means I can be continually involved in the strategic and ongoing online maturity evolution, allowing me the ability to work with more companies and add maximum value.
I am looking forward to working with many more great organizations by leveraging the managed analysis services of Napkyn. If you would be interested in bringing more analysts into your team, let me know!

PS. In order to kickstart this great collaboration, Napkyn has agreed to create a custom price for the first few I will refer them. Contact me if you want more detail.