Update: gaAddons v2 is available at http://gaAddons.com
I would like to invite everyone to get a glimpse at gaAddons v2.1.0!
If you were familiar with v1.0 or v2.0, you will certainly notice a major face lift to the website and a more GA-like design. The Documentation section has been extensively reworked to provide much better information. Please have a look and share your thoughts!
_setDayOfWeek custom variable |
Among the new features in gaAddons v2.1.0:
- A bunch of minor big fixes & enhancements...
- Now seamlessly integrates into _gaq standard push() calls!
- Introduction of _formAnalysis!
- Optimized and reviewed the code structure
- _trackDownloads, _trackOutbounds, _trackMailTos are now deprecated in favor of the same calls without the trailing "s" (_trackDownload, _trackOutbound, _trackMailTo)
- Since gaAddons is a true extension of the _gaq object, there is no need to have the "tracker" option anymore
If you want to give it a try:
- Make sure to review the details about integrating gaAddons to your site
- Take a look at the test cases
- Review all the available gaAddons calls to enhance your Google Analytics!
- Remember this is still a beta version - feedback and bugs should be sent through the support page (not directly to me)
- The GA Debugger extension for Chrome is causing havoc to gaAddons - see Troubleshooting for details.
I haven't been so excited since the early days of WASP when I initially solved the challenge of a generic web analytics tags debugger!