Monday, May 10, 2010

eMetrics London, May 17-19 and more!

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eMetrics San Jose is just behind us, so was Toronto a few weeks back as well as my initial little tour of Europe.

But wait! My spring tour is not over: eMetrics London is coming up May 17th and 18th, plus a workshop on the 19th.

Session: "Advanced tagging techniques, tips & traps"

Most people know me as the creator of the Web Analytics Solution Profiler (WASP). Over the years I plead Jim Sterne, the conference chairman, if I could do a session on tagging techniques and pitfalls. Probably perceived as "too technical" and not really catering to marketing folks, I never got to do it. However, insights are garnered from good analysis. Good analysis is predicated on good data. Good data can only be had through proper tagging.

So here you go! I will share years of implementation experience with leading tools, horror stories and anecdotes, and hopefully demystify web analytics tags! Don't miss my session, in the Advanced eMetrics track, Monday May 17th, at 5:20pm.

Workshop: Road Map to Online Analytics Success

This workshop stems from my work on the Online Analytics Maturity Model. I've done it several times already with an amazing satisfaction rate of 98%! The premise is simple: properly tagging and configuring the tool is a challenge in itself but even when done successfully, unexpected issues surface and the value of online analytics quickly fade. Once you've got your training or education, once you have gone trough the initial learning curve, you probably feel web analytics is pretty hard!

This workshop is about taking a step back, looking at the bigger picture of analytics and business analysis and optimization, and understanding the six critical process areas that will make your web analytics life significantly  easier. It's still time to register for this unique workshop!

And more!

Please fill out the Online Analytics Maturity Assessment survey, see what is your online analytics footprint and help me in my ongoing research to make web analytics easier!

Coming up