Wednesday, June 18, 2008

KB 261186: Computer randomly plays classical music

Want to see an intriguing Knowledge Base article from Microsoft? Read on!

A while back I posted about the evolution of the infamous Microsoft "blue screen" error. I managed to get a Vista Blue Screen!

But today, a friend sent me a link to a real knowledge base article. A real gem! It states:
During normal operation or in Safe mode, your computer may play "Fur Elise" or "It's a Small, Small World" seemingly at random. This is an indication sent to the PC speaker from the computer's BIOS that the CPU fan is failing or has failed, or that the power supply voltages have drifted out of tolerance.
Although these symptoms may appear to be virus-like, they are the result of an electronic hardware monitoring component of the motherboard and BIOS.
How clever of them! I wonder if Microsoft did some A/B test to find out if it was better to play classical music instead of heavy metal...