Tuesday, October 22, 2002

OpenHack 4: Start Your Hacking Engines

Pour ceux qui sont mordus de sécurité, le magazine eWeek offre un défi interessant... Ils ont mis en place un environnement Web complet et demandé à Microsoft ainsi que Oracle de le sécuriser... puis invité les hackers de ce monde à l'attaquer de toutes les façons possibles! OpenHack 4, à suivre...

OpenHack 4: Start Your Hacking Engines
eWEEK Labs is preparing to kick off the fourth iteration of its OpenHack online security project, designed to test enterprise security by exposing systems to the real-world rigors of the Web. This year's test focuses on application-level security, an increasingly problem-prone area that, in fact, was the downfall of OpenHacks 1 and 2. Microsoft and Oracle have done their best to hack-proof an application built originally by eWEEK Labs and hosted at a Web site that will go live this week. Have they--and their products--succeeded? Think you've got the "l33t skillz" to crack it yourself? Find out starting this week.