Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Don't miss this event: The Art of Marketing - Montreal, Sept. 30th

In web analytics and online marketing optimization, Avinash Kaushik, Mitch Joel and Seth Godin don't even need introduction. I'm trilled to see The Art of Marketing coming up to Montreal, September 30th: six authors sharing their cutting edge thinking and experience in a jam packed event!

Six speakers - an amazing day!

First, the speakers I've seen and authors I read:
  1. Seth Godin: ever heard of Tribes, Lynchpin or Purple Cow? Three marketing best sellers!
  2. Avinash Kaushik: web analytics anyone? His books, "Web analytics an hour a day" and "Web analytics 2.0" are on every web analyst bookshelf.
  3. Mitch Joel: Six Pixels of Separation - leading authority in social media
and the authors I need to discover:
  1. Jeffrey Gitomer: The Little Red Book Of Selling is all about selling, loyalty, customer service and more
  2. Max Lenderman: Brand New World, honestly havent read his book yet, but "dive into the multi-billion-dollar racket of brand fakery" is sure to be interesting!
  3. Andy Nulman: author of POW! Right Between the Eyes!

Win a free pass!

Email info@theartofproductions.com with your top five list of marketing books and be entered to win two tickets to The Art of Marketing!

I submitted mine. I’m focused on web analytics and business optimization so my pick list reflects those preferences and how they affected my view of marketing.
  1. Web Metrics, by Jim Sterne – considered to be the Godfather of web analytics, Jim was talking about online marketing and optimization way back then. A classic still worth the read!
  2. Web Analytics an Hour a day, by Avinash Kaushik – by democratizing access to web analytics, the coming of Google Analytics was a major shift for online marketing measurement. Through his unique communication style, Avinash basically made it even more accessible!
  3. Competing on analytics, by Tom Davenport – for demonstrating how data-driven management can lead to a competitive advantage.
  4. Marketing Management, by Philip Kotler – the classic intro to marketing and one I really enjoyed during my eBusiness MBA.
  5. The Attention Economy, by Tom Davenport – understanding the new currency of business – attention – was an eye opener for me and influenced my marketing strategy recommendations and even the way I conduct business.

Register early!

I will be there and the event is sure to sell out so you should register early! And for you, my esteemed readers, I have a 50$ promo code! When registering, enter SK23 to get the discount.

And there's more!

On September 29th I'll be speaking at InfoPresse day about social media metrics and during the evening we'll certainly do another Web Analytics Association Montreal (WAAM) meetup (stay tuned for details).