Friday, February 26, 2010

Where in the world is S.Hamel?

Spring is the conference season and this year is going to be exceptional!

Last December I had thought of two personal SMART objectives:
  • By December 2010 I will be speaking at least once in Europe.
  • By December 2010 I will be a keynote speaker at least once.
Within days those two objectives were scheduled.

Kicking off 2010

I kicked off the year with a half-day workshop based on the Web Analytics Maturity Model, in partnership with PublicInsite, in Ottawa. Then I was asked to do it again for the Réseau Action-TI in Québec-city, an organization fostering the education, networking and innovation in field of IT. February 10th was a 3rd opportunity to present the Roadmap to Online Analytics Success in the morning, followed by a great Web Analytics Association event with Jim Sterne. And lastly, two weeks ago I spoke at the Internet Marketing Conference in Montreal.

Sadly I have to skip the Omniture Summit for this year. I had been invited for the MindMeld invite-only event but I've been swamped by work and had to make difficult choices before leaving for Europe.

What's next?

As I always say, there's no better social media than meeting face to face! If you are anywhere around those cities please register and let me know. If you feel neglected because I'm not visiting you, please email me so I can see where there's enough interest and which partner could help me get there! I already have New York on the radar, if you are interested or can help, let me know.