Monday, January 19, 2009

WASP v1.04 now available

Just released WASP v1.04 at

Thanks to your bug reports and suggestions I have completed another round of improvements! Keep them coming!

Tips & Tricks

  • When the sidebar is open, right-click an item to copy its value
  • You can now resize the sidebar to the width you want!
  • The built-in data browser shown after a crawl includes pre-defined views for Google Analytics, Omniture SiteCatalyst, WebTrends and Search Engine Optimization
  • In the data browser you just have to click on a cell to filter those records, or click on a column header to toggle sorting in ascending or descending order
  • Use the "Export to CSV" or built-in data browser to easily spot missing or legacy tags, wrong data being sent or duplicate titles

Automated updates

In order to receive automated updates the WASP extension must be distributed through (aka AMO), the official Firefox location. The AMO team is overwhelmed by the number of addons being submited and the approval process is taking months. As soon as WASP gets back on the AMO site you will start to receive automated update notices when I publish a new release. This will

Since WASP is a very complex and sophisticated extension, I'm actually discussing with the AMO Editors to help them with the workload and become an AMO Editor myself.

The future of WASP

WASP is the result of 2 years of thinking, testing ideas & developing in parallel with my other activities. During all that time you have been witnesses of the evolution of WASP and have benefited of WASP for free, For sure, it was buggy at time and not always working well. It was a beta!

I'm convinced WASP v1.0 is a much easier tool than debuggers, provides much more accurate results than other alternatives and at the same time, is a fraction of the cost of high end alternatives. There is definitely a value to that! Give it a try if you haven't already. Then, get there and purchase your license! Vendors and agencies: you can get volume discounts!

I will continue to improve the product, solve issues and bring new features. It’s not a perfect product and I will never pretend it is: I’ve been in the business for long enough to know better than that.

I need your financial support to make YOUR job easier!