Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WebCom - Nov. 12th, Montréal

For those interested, WebCom is coming up on November 12th, in Montréal. The conference program is built around three tracks: marketing, communication and technology with a slant on social media. It's always interesting to hear local speakers, because they are often closer to our realities, and at the same time, the international speakers often bring views that stretches the envelope.

Among the sponsors there are local web agencies and large corporations, including the French web analytics vendor who recently opened offices in Montréal, AT Internet (formerly Xiti). In pure French tradition, Dennis Varganyi, Country Manager for Canada, told me they will be giving away a vintage bottle of Bordeaux wine :)

Note that Web Analytics Association members can get a 15% discount!

I had the chance to be a speaker at a previous one, this time my schedule doesn't permit me to attend, but I look forward to hear about it!